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Give Us this day

A daily devotional handbook comprised of a collection of Holy Spirit inspired writings. This gift from God will uplift you, empower you, and increase your faith.

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About The Book

Give Us This Day is a daily devotional handbook comprised of a collection of Holy Spirit inspired writings. This gift from God will uplift you, empower you, and increase your faith. You don’t need to be a Bible scholar to understand the divine words contained within this book. Its practical, easy to follow style, guarantees that everyone that opens it will benefit by it. Simply designed, with only two sections, each divided into thirty-one pages corresponding with the days of the month. With this anointed book in your hands you have access to a daily dose of inspiration to help you to stand during these uncertain times. To unearth its full potential, its scriptural quotations must be meditated upon daily. It is a resource for the affirmation of your everyday victory, the day to day reviving of your inner man.

Give Us This Day offers fresh, divine words of encouragement, wisdom, daily affirmations, and related Bible verses. Each power-packed page will give you inspiration and spiritual strength as you meet the challenges that life brings you. Through this book you will receive all that you need to stand day by day.

“Give us this day our daily bread.”
Matthew 6:11


This verse represents two things. First, “give us this day”, signifies the present time, now, today. Secondly, “our daily bread” alludes to the necessary things, whatever we need. So today, whatever you need, call on our Father in heaven and He will hear you and answer your prayer.

What’s inside


Holy Spirit inspired writings


Related Bible verses


Divine words of wisdom


Daily affirmations


Divine words of encouragement


Strength for life’s everyday battles

I dreamt of an old roof with beat-up shingles, two of its boards were missing from the bottom, and I heard these words, “We see God as the God of the old, but we don’t give Him credit for the new. He is also the God of the new.” If God built it, can He not restore it? Can He not make it new again? Today is a new day, and for you, there will be new spiritual growth, new relationships, new income, and new opportunities. God is giving you another chance! There are things that you didn’t get the victory over in the past, but now is the time of liberty from spiritual bondage.

Today you will have a new outlook, a new attitude, and a new commitment to serving Him. God is not only the God of the old, but also the God of the new!

The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.
– Psalm 34:10



For every unmet need that exists, the resources to meet those needs also exist. This is true in both the natural and spiritual realms. God uses willing vessels to connect the people with needs to the people that can meet those needs. When the two connect, miraculous things happen. Burdens are lifted, worries and fears are relieved – lives are changed. God could send whatever you need directly from heaven to your doorstep, but that’s not how He operates. He chooses to use people to bless other people. God works through people.

Today, let God use you to stand in the gap – miracles can happen through you!

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
– Philippians 4:19



Simply designed and easy to read, with only two sections, each divided into thirty-one pages corresponding with the days of the month. Meant to be read daily for two months, this devotional offers strength for life’s everyday battles, and wisdom to engage and overcome the enemy of your destiny.

In a world that torments its dwellers with challenges, tribulations and the formidable force to do that which is wrong, Give Us This Day comes with a daily antidote to the brutal mission of the prince of this world upon a life - – it is the book for you!

Pst. Alexander J. Onov
None Be Lost Church 

About the author.

Haile T. Gaddy is the founder and pastor of Adullam Evangelism & Outreach Ministry in Laurel, Mississippi, and the founder and CEO of Shepherds’ Tent Food Pantry. An ordained elder with Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. His monthly newsletter The Wake-Up Call is published in two languages and distributed in four countries. His zeal for evangelism is further expressed by his weekly radio broadcast live streamed on social media, his weekly television program, and his monthly newspaper column. He is currently the president and CEO of Gaddy’s Clean, LLC, a company that he started in 2004. His passion for encouraging young ministers and supporting other ministries led him to the formation of Ministerial Development and Empowerment Ministry, where he humbly serves as instructor and mentor to others. He and his wife, Michelle have five children: Brandi, Aretha, Elijah, Eliana, and Lazarius. They have four grandchildren.

Haile Gaddy